Pendampingan Pemasaran Digital untuk Peningkatan Branding UMKM di Desa Pematang Johar
MSMEs, Branding and Logo, Pematang Johar VillageAbstract
MSMEs in Indonesia have become an important part of the economic system in Indonesia. This is because MSMEs are business units that are more numerous than large-scale industrial businesses and have the advantage of absorbing more workers and are also able to speed up the equalization process as part of development. Until now, MSME products continue to experience quite rapid development in line with market demand trends. As an effort to balance market competition, MSME players must continue to innovate and be creative to improve the quality of their products, one of which is through product branding. The MSMEs found in Pematang Johar Village, Labuhan Deli District, Deli Serdang Regency, are Chips MSMEs. These MSMEs have problems, such as poor marketing and the absence of product logos on packaging. Another problem with marketing is the absence of media to promote MSME businesses. In this case, creating a social media account is the right solution in marketing media for Al-Amin Chips MSMEs. This activity was carried out using a mentoring method by carrying out several activities, namely: (1) Logo Making, (2) Logo Submission, (3) Training on Creating Social Media Accounts and Promoting the Chips Business Through Social Media. By creating a logo, making packaging attractive can influence purchasing decisions and help MSMEs grow and develop. This MSME needs to rebrand its business so that this product can compete with similar products. If further developed through social media, these MSMEs can expand their marketing reach and be more efficient in carrying out promotions.
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