Praktik MSDM Inovatif dalam Upaya Pembentukan Leadership Bench di PT. Sinergi Kawan Abadi


  • Budi Satrio Wibowo Universitas Sangga Buana
  • Vip Paramarta Universitas Sangga Buana
  • Abiyyu Purnanda Universitas Sangga Buana
  • Nindi Elis Universitas Sangga Buana
  • Ellya Dewi Universitas Sangga Buana



Developing a global leadership bench by advancing human resource management is an important concern for the Company to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to emphasize the role of transformational leadership of line managers in developing leadership competencies, with theoretical support from transformational leadership theory. For the above purposes, data was collected using a questionnaire and it was found that there is a large influence of line manager transformational leadership in the development of human resource management



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How to Cite

Budi Satrio Wibowo, Vip Paramarta, Abiyyu Purnanda, Nindi Elis, & Ellya Dewi. (2023). Praktik MSDM Inovatif dalam Upaya Pembentukan Leadership Bench di PT. Sinergi Kawan Abadi. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Ekonomi Kreatif, 1(3), 111–116.

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